Schnell sein und Deinen tropischen Urlaub genießen!
The Tropical Village is not only impressive because of the large number of original buildings from faraway countries that have been traditionally rebuilt. It also houses most of Tropical Islands' gastronomic delights.
The longhouses typical on the island of Borneo are up to 100 metres long. Here the whole village lives under one roof. And when families grow larger, the longhouse can easily be extended.
Longhouses are usually located near rushing rivers and therefore built on stilts. The open veranda extends the entire length of the house. Behind it are the private living quarters of the individual families.
The Borneo longhouse in Tropical Islands is built in the style of the Orang Ulu. The Orang Ulu Indians are the artists among the native people of Borneo. Their longhouses are decorated with carvings and paintings and their utensils with fine beadwork.
The house was built with the help of the Sarawak Tourism Board and is a copy of the longhouse in the historic cultural village in Kuching.
The imposing Bali Gate forms the entrance to the tropical village. With its height of 13.80 m, it is the largest gate of this kind outside Bali. On the Hindu "Island of the Gods", such open gates denote access to sacred sites. The "Split Gate' symbolizes a mountain of gods torn apart in the middle.
Hexagonal and with three pagoda roofs, the pavilion reflects the aesthetic proportions of a Balinese temple. The roofs are covered with palm leaves. Bankirai and Merbau were used as construction timber. This epic of Prince Rama, the beautiful Sita and the Great Ape Hanuman is a classic of world literature and contains the fundamental philosophical approaches of Hinduism.
The typical Polynesian living huts on Samoa are called "Fale" Tree trunks rise from an oval platform on top of which rests a leaf-covered roof. Otherwise, the houses are usually open - even at night. The woven mats used as walls are only lowered when it rains or there is a strong wind.
The Fale at Tropical Islands is a kind of "communityspacel" for several villages. It is particularly large, and each of the 28 beautifully carved wooden columns represents one of the extended families involved.
The Fale was built at Tropical Islands with the support of the Samoa Tourism Authority.
The largest and also most elegant building in the tropical village is a traditional Thai house made of wood and bamboo.
Thai houses are perfectly designed for the tropical climate. They stand on high stilts because of the frequent flooding.
The Thai house offers space for a large family. It consists of three smaller houses: the sleeping house, the reception house and a house where meals are eaten. They surround the central atrium, where there is usually a large, shady tree.
The Thai House at Tropical Islands was designed and constructed by architect Ladda Tejavanija In her native Thailand, she has already worked for the royal family.
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